Waves and blue and pink and white and green, electricity, time, tide, stream. Queer floods and bodies of water carving their way through ice and buildings. Currents of sympathy. And sparkles and spikes, and the moon, and pigments dissolved in water. Currents of affection. Currently forever, captured on film or in soft textiles, printed matter. Currently current currents; more and less and as much as we can take.
All participating artists applied through an open call, an invitation to reflect upon the theme ’currents’; A noun with at least two meanings; an ocean current, a body of water moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water in which there is less movement. Electric current; the flow of electricity in an electronic circuit. In plural. An adjective for belonging in the present time; being used or done now. Variations of meanings that can relate to our time, to queerness and to art as lived experiences. We are hoping that this will give space for both artists and visitors to make their own connections and associations and relate to what you will see and experience at the festival in different and personal ways.